Good afternoon. First, I thank you to be here on this fine July 31. I know that it is not easy for everyone to travel, but we know that you care about this agreement. So your presence is very valuable.
Since July 1, we saw in the media that several industries are unsatisfied with the present proposed agreement between Canada and the united States. Faced with this situation, it seems that the government threatens industries by implying that if they don't accept the agreement, it won't commit to defend them. It considers that he has done his job and that the agreement is final. It will be this agreement or nothing at all. It seems therefore to suggest to the industry representatives to go back home.
This puts pressure on industries. I imagine that, in the field, among the companies, this situation also exists. The government, which had committed itself to put in place loan guarantees and other means to support the industry, disengaged itself since last election. This creates therefore a very difficult situation.
Coupled with that, we heard that some Canadian and U.S. industries are still discussing among themselves now. They would perhaps be still prepared to make some concessions to improve the agreement, namely on the cancellation clause and the matter of the surge mechanism. This morning, the minister told us that he wasn't willing to share information on this with us. He seems to disengage himself to support you, the industries, and to improve this agreement.
My question is first for Mr. Grenier, then for Ms. Lim and Mr. Reedy and Mr. Wakelin.
Mr. Grenier, what is your reaction in regard with this situation and what actions do you expect from this government in the future?