A very soft spot there. Thank you.
He's also said, and others around this table have said, that the U.S. has gotten everything here, that in fact we've sold out to the U.S. But in the same breath or next sentence, they're insisting that the United States is going to terminate at the first opportunity. So again, that's another contradiction that doesn't make any sense.
Also, we have them advocating for loan guarantees, which are taxpayer supported, of course. But then they do not support the unique mechanism the government has set up to return the duties to the industry as fast as we possibly can, a mechanism that is, of course, taxpayer supported as well. So the criticism for doing that is that it's taxpayer supported, but they'll support loan guarantees although they're taxpayer supported. So they're not making any sense, in contradicting....
I'm just wondering if you would care to comment on that for us.
We'll let Christian ask his question before you respond, Mr. Johnson, please.
Thank you.