That's a good question. I look at dispute settlement as not being just chapter 19, but also as being influenced by domestic courts in the U.S. Some of our chapter 19 cases have migrated into domestic courts in the U.S. The WTO dispute settlement has a bearing on it. As I think most people around this table will know, the WTO mechanism--which is based on an internationally agreed to legal framework--is far from perfect. We have many of the same problems with the WTO, and more, as we do with chapter 19. Under the WTO, you do not get your duties back if a country has been proven to be wrong in levying those duties. The only relief you have is prospective, meaning that those duties have to be eliminated within an appropriate period of time, but you may have the right to retaliate.
Well, I have to tell you, Canada is the most trade-dependent country among all the industrial countries in the world. Retaliation for us is a no-win. We have trouble finding a few million dollars when we start to launch a consultation on retaliation, simply because we depend so much on imports to use as inputs in production that we end up hurting ourselves from retaliation more than helping ourselves. My hope is that we will get some improvements through a successful WTO round around such issues as we are touching on over here--the definition of dumping, a discussion of zeroing. A number of issues around definitions, trade remedies, and so on will be very important; if we can get them into the WTO, we can have a better shot of migrating them into NAFTA, either through legal decisions or perhaps through some discussion and negotiation.
It's going to be an incremental process, in my view, to gradually upgrade dispute settlement. Today dispute settlement is...I don't want to say it's laughable, but it's not a recipe for a healthy industry. If you're a small operator, any time you can be lambasted with 27% duties and have to pay out that cash for four or five years, you'll be very fortunate if your company hasn't gone bankrupt by the time you finally get relief under chapter 19. The same would apply in the WTO world.
Dispute settlement has to be a huge priority for countries, but in the current political environment in the United States, I would not argue that now is a great time to be reopening NAFTA. It may not even be a good time to reopen NAFTA in Canada, so let's work with what is practical and incremental, try to make further progress, and put a stake in the ground each step we make.