I'll be very quick with this, but there are two specific points I want to touch on that you brought up.
In this whole issue with promoting growth and trade at home and having trade promotion, EDC is important, but there's also something we can do here to get companies to help themselves. We have serious barriers right now to the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises that need to be addressed, such as tax hikes. As you know, once a firm hits $300,000, they jump up to a brand new tax level, which really creates a disincentive for firms to grow. Obviously, strong, homegrown Canadian firms are important for Canada's trade and economy overall. That issue of the difference in the tax system for small and medium-sized enterprises has been addressed and it has changed, but I think there's more room for improvement.
The other thing I want to talk about is another one you brought up: the fact that Canada is a big producer of value-added goods. There's another issue we need to address here, which is that we need to start discussions for a common external tariff system with the U.S. Right now we have a rules-of-origin process whereby when we bring in a lot of intermediate inputs to create a final product, the product goes through a lot of processes if we want to ship it over to the U.S.
If we could get a common external tariff system, we could eliminate the rules-of-origin law. That would really help to facilitate trade.