I'm a little worried that the problems of the global marketplace are sometimes so daunting. We all know what the issues are, we do analysis really well, and then when it comes around to doing anything, we all throw up our hands and say we can't do anything. I think we have to focus on practical steps that can be done.
One of the issues here, which I think is very important for this committee, is that maybe trade agreements aren't the best way, necessarily, to encourage international business—or at least traditional trade agreements, as Glen was pointing out. Negotiation of air and transportation agreements is crucial; the negotiation of investment agreements is crucial; tax agreements are pretty important. It just means that maybe we should be looking elsewhere to deliver the types of infrastructure, the types of market access, and the types of business services that are necessary to grow our business.
We're negotiating a trade agreement right now with South Korea. For many sectors of the Canadian economy this agreement really doesn't mean very much, because tariffs are already non-existent or very low. The problems in South Korea are in non-tariff barriers, the regulatory barriers, and I don't think this trade agreement is going to be able to remove those.
Those are some of the issues: how do we negotiate multilaterally, bilaterally, regionally on the real restrictions to trade, without giving up any leverage we have right now? I hope the trade agreement with Korea is successful, but it's not going to be successful unless we can get guaranteed access to the Korean market.
That's just one example. We wring our hands because we have a rising trade deficit with China—and North America has—but what that really means is that you can buy a container in Canada or rent a container in Canada for a tenth of the cost you can rent it for in Shanghai. Dofasco and Stelco in Hamilton can ship a tonne of steel at lower cost to Shanghai than manufacturers in Shanghai can buy it from northern China.
Why don't we take advantage of that? And what do we have to do in order to do it? What you find is that there are a lot of regulatory and tax issues that railways are faced with that don't allow these containers to move easily within North America. Maybe we should be looking at tax and regulatory issues within North America that would allow us to take advantage of these low-cost containers, so that we can fill them with product and ship them to China.
Why are the tax and regulatory issues constraints? It's because those regulations have been put in place since the 1800s. It's time to review them. I think there are practical things we can be doing, which government should be taking the lead in identifying.
But in all of these cases, policy and the federal government cannot do it alone; they all require that the ports, the railways, the truckers, the customs people, the security people in this instance, be involved. Nobody is going to do it unless there is some leadership, a vision, and a strategy aimed at practical outcomes, and I think those outcomes have to be in response to where business is going.
We do a lot more business with Australia and Africa than with a lot of Asian countries, so why are we negotiating trade agreements necessarily with Asia? Why can't we look beyond it and figure out what has to be done to enable the international business that is actually going on? Again I don't think this is led by policy; it is led by finding what the problems are in business and taking the lead in providing practical solutions, bringing the right people to the table who have to be there to get those solutions done.