Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Among the questions prepared by our researchers, one is of special interest to me and I will use it as an introduction to my question.
How can we get better access to those emerging markets -- China, India, Brazil -- and to the well-established markets of the European Union -- Japan, South Korea -- in order to stimulate our economic growth?
At the end of the day, when one talks about international trade, globalisation, liberalization of markets, it's all aimed at reaching a certain level of economic growth, let's be frank. Furthermore, economic growth is not automatically equal to consumption. Everyone wants to globalize in the other countries but the other countries want to do it here and, in the end, this leads to a very aggressive competition all over the world. We could compare the situation to an skating rink where, as Mr. Myers just said, the rules of the game are not the same for everybody and, even when they are, they are not necessarily respected by everyone. So, if we have international organizations to ensure some order in the world of trade, perhaps we should also have organizations that would start by establishing some rules and then make sure that they are enforced.
I come back to this because, last fall, I had to do a tour of several regions of Quebec during a an examination of the consequences of globalisation and of some weakened companies. Very quickly, we realized that people were talking about some rules that weren't the same for everybody. When one looks at the big picture, one sees immediately that there are enormous differences in the way labour is treated in various regions. There are also major differences relating to the management of raw materials and of the quantities available in the various sectors, as well as about protecting the environment.
It's obvious that the rules are not the same for everyone. When one begins to mass produce, one cannot always be a major player, especially because of labour costs.
In today's economy, we all know that raw materials are more and more valuable but what is also more and more valuable is added value or what I would call intangible value. The other day, I was thinking about the production of my eyeglasses. Look at the cost of the raw materials. Today, a pair of glasses will cost you about 700 $ but what do they sell you for that? They sell you style, which is intangible, as well as some added value and, perhaps, the performance of the lenses. So, more and more, value is not necessarily related to raw materials but more to innovation and creation. Of course, in manufacturing, you also have to add technological innovation.
It's because of all those components that competition is now at the world level. As long as our objective will be to ensure our economic growth... one can philosophize and make all sorts of technical points but we all know very well that, in the end, within this world market, if we can prosper in some corners of this planet and continue to create wealth and produce economic growth, it's because there are disparities somewhere and because some do not get the benefits of that growth and, instead, contribute to the growth of others. In fact, there's no economic fairness so that some can continue to grow.
A while ago, Mr. Myers talked about government support to businesses for, among other things, increasing their exports. As far as insurance for accounts receivable is concerned, for foreign customers, EDC provides capital protection. So, people feel safe. If I wanted to sell to foreign countries, I believe that I would know that the government can help me and that there is insurance.
Let me give you a very concrete example, Mr. Chairman, which demonstrates that, sometimes, policies developed to help businesses do not always reach their objectives. As an MP, I get life insurance from the House of Commons. As an MP, let's say that I want to fight organized crime and that a price is put on my head tomorrow morning in all the newspapers and that the House of Commons decides to cancel my life insurance.
EDC does the same thing. How can a Canadian business selling abroad have confidence in government programs when EDC can act in this manner?
I won't name names but I know a Canadian company that had a very substantial account to receive from a US company. When EDC realized that this company risked bankruptcy, it cancelled its insurance. We try to give tools to businesses to protect them and to help them succeed the on foreign markets -- and they pay their insurance premiums -- but, from one day to the next, the insurance policy is canceled and they lose huge amounts of money.
In the end, Mr. Chairman, it's not very easy to find our way in everything I have just said and to develop consistent and integrated policies in all those fields, including government participation.
I have referred often to Mr. Meyers who talked about economists, professionals and great economic thinkers who do lots of studies, produce reports and create theoretical models but, very often, there's no action. This makes me think of a sex adviser who would still be a virgin: he can talk a lot about sex but he doesn't really know what it is and doesn't get any satisfaction from it. I realize that the comparison may not be totally fair but, in the end, it's always action that is more important. The skating rink is big and it's up to us to decide if we want to play rough in the corners or just keep playing in the center where it's easier and where we can continue to invest in sectors where there are bilateral or multilateral agreements.
I believe that this trade policy should really be improved and integrated at all levels for us to make any progress. More and more, as I said, we have to take account of the knowledge economy and, up to a point, of the virtual economy because lots of things are intangible. So, it's up to us to act and to make choices for the consumption of our goods and services.