Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, colleagues.
Amendment L-5 is consistent with the one we made earlier with respect to independent remanufacturers. In subclause 25(2), the minister's authority is limited to matters as required for purposes of the act, and this is consistent with earlier clauses in the act as well.
Subclause 25(3) ensures that basic notice will be provided to companies. This is consistent with earlier sections of the act as well.
Subclause 25(4) is new. We believe it improves the bill by making the certification process consistent with the principles of open and transparent administration. We believe that, basically, people have a right to know which companies have been certified as independent remanufacturers, similar to the list that's in the legislation. There's an annex of other companies. So we see it as a straightforward administrative amendment that simply improves the legislation by making it clear which companies have in fact been certified as independent remanufacturers.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.