Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Well, this is beautiful. This is beautiful. I would love to see the government press conference on this: sixty seconds a clause, ten seconds to vote, let's just ram it through. It shows the complete lack of responsibility of this government.
You failed. You screwed up on the negotiating.
Mr. Chair, what we've had is a government that has completely failed in its responsibility to take care of softwood companies. We now have a bill that is unravelling as we speak.
Do you think the senators are going to take this with any degree of seriousness—sixty seconds per amendment, ten seconds to vote, let's just ram this through as quickly as possible? Do you think for a second, Mr. Chair, that we are actually going to be treated with any degree of respect as a committee, with these rules of order that come from Picasso? I mean, they're absolutely appalling. It's farcical.
So it's sixty seconds an amendment, ten seconds a vote, Mr. Chair. This goes beyond belief. Not only has it never happened in committee history, but it would mean that many of the things the Conservatives used to do when they were out of power, they won't be able to do any more, either as Reform or as the Alliance or as the Conservative Party. What they're doing is setting a precedent now that, when they are no longer in power, they will no longer be able to do everything they did from 1993 right through to 2006.
They should be very careful about the kinds of precedents they're setting. What this means is a completely different approach to committees, at all times from now on. We're going over the abyss, Mr. Chair. This is unbelievable.
The irresponsibility I can understand, coming from the government side; what I can't understand is opposition members supporting this type of absolutely appalling conduct: sixty seconds an amendment, sixty seconds a clause, ten seconds a vote. Why not make it five? Why not make it 1.3? Why stop there? Why don't we just decide that there will no longer be any votes and that the government will prevail.
Since you're in the mood to be authoritarian, dictatorial, draconian, and mean-spirited, why stop there, Mr. Chair? Why don't we just say that certain people can't vote, certain types of people can't vote, people we disagree with can't vote anymore? Why don't we go all the way?
If this is going to be the farcical type of committee hearing that we have put into place—that we essentially no longer pay any respect, pay any heed, to parliamentary rules, that the types of tactics the Reform Party and the Canadian Alliance and the Conservative Party used to use when they felt very strongly about legislation, to try to improve that legislation...that that no longer carries any more, that we will now have rules of procedure that are bludgeoning members of Parliament--