Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'd like to take 60 seconds to talk about clause 34.
This committee has refused any modifications to actually make it easier on softwood companies. That's no surprise. I've seen 4,000 lost jobs in the last few weeks, and this type of off-the-cuff, back-of-the-napkin drafting of legislation is going to mean that more companies will go out of business and more people are going to be unemployed.
Here we had some very reasonable statements—interest should be compounded annually rather than daily, and we'd be looking at a $250 payment for a bar to actually trigger the draconian reporting mechanisms the minister has—and the committee is rejecting any softening to actually ensure softwood companies can do their job.
What we're seeing is an ugly trend, Mr. Chair. We're seeing draconian legislation that is being adopted holus-bolus, with 60 seconds of consideration per clause. This has not been seen in parliamentary history.