Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I don't think 60 seconds for our softwood industry is asking too much. Obviously the government would disagree with me on that, but that will be something that softwood communities will be able to judge in the next few months.
Currently within Bill C-24, among the many onerous provisions that we are railroading through, ramrodding through without scant consideration, we are asking companies to keep records for six years. For these companies that already have the administrative burdens, already have the punitive taxes, the double taxation that has been adopted in clause 18, despite warnings, very clear warnings to the committee, the punitive taxes that they're paying at the border, and the fact that a whole host of amendments that would have improved this legislation have been refused, we have here a situation where we're requiring these companies to keep six years of records. This amendment I've moved, amendment NDP-31, would ask that the records be retained for half that period.