Mr. Menzies, here's the situation, and it's an error on my part.
This motion has been passed, but what the motion doesn't do is state where we start, so we will have to debate. We'll go through the clauses until clause 10, at which time we can take all of these together as proposed here. It doesn't change an awful lot, except that we'll deal with the clauses up to clause 10. At that time this motion comes into effect, and we will deal with those all together. It's not a big deal, but Mr. Julian and Mr. Cardin are correct on this. I just didn't understand what was being said, Mr. Menzies. I apologize for that.
We will go ahead to clause 5, as has been indicated here.
Mr. Julian and Monsieur Cardin, I didn't understand what you were saying. I had it explained, and you're correct.
Ms. Guergis is next.
(On clause 5--Time of export)