It is a very good question. We have to work with the Minister of International Trade. We have a meeting next month with the commission that administers the free trade agreement. Madam Marie-Lucie Morin perhaps is going to Chile to make the evaluation, the first. We had worked in the evaluation of the free trade agreement, but I think, in my opinion—this is absolutely personal—we are working to answer this question in terms of empirical.
I think that we have one of the (inaudible) came from some difficulties to push the medium and small industry to go to the market. For this reason, we are learning here about the technical extension system for the medium and small industry. This is one point. And you have also the same problem in your middle with other levels of technology, but the same problem, in terms of market. Your enterprises, they have the security of the market in Canada, in their province, but they don't go to the world. They fear.
And it's not easy. The big companies that we have, and we have many, they are in the world, but the small and the medium companies, I think that we have not a good policy, a common policy, to push—push—the small and medium enterprises to enter into the international market. We'll have to learn from your experience, and I think that you have to learn also of ours, because we have some experience, very important, in different aspects or dimensions.
But we think that this is the first. We have many enterprises that don't go to the global market. They fear.
The second is financing. I think that we don't have a good system of finance the trade, the international trade, to promote the international trade. We have to organize in our financial system some possibility to give some incentive to these small and medium enterprises.
And third, I think that the big problem is that we don't have open relations in other sectors—I mentioned that before—that is very important, the trade.
I think that Canada has to define the possibilities that Chile offers, to establish in Chile companies to work for Latin America, not only for the 15 million persons, and we have this platform, in terms of...Chile's a model in (inaudible) and in terms of Internet and all the different service that need an enterprise to work well, and if you ask to the big enterprise how they have been received in Chile, how they find the country to make his business in Latin America, you will have...I asked them in (inaudible).