Unfortunately we have big competition here in terms of our wineries, because British Columbia and Ontario are producing good wine, especially the ice wine, which for us is excellent.
With regard to British Columbia and Chile, for us our common relation with this part of the world, the Pacific coast and Asia, is very important. We have to utilize the port of Vancouver for many reasons in our relations with Asia, especially China and Japan.
Together with the Government of British Columbia, we want to study the role that British Columbia, and Vancouver especially, will play in the future of the Asian Pacific and APEC. We want to participate in your strategy, and we also want Canada to participate in our strategy to go to APEC countries and establish new relations, especially in transportation, ports, and so on.
In Chile, 80% of the economy is private enterprise. Only 20% of our economy depends on the government for services, and there are some copper, gas, and petroleum companies. In this aspect we work together. We have an organization called ProChile that's a platform to help enterprises go outside of Chile to the world. Our entrepreneurs don't fear going out to compete in the world, because staying inside the country is not possible in our economy with a market of 15 million people.
We have already learned that globalization is good in some aspects and dangerous in others. We work together with Canada in this respect, because we have to dominate the power that...globalization wants to dominate the global market. For this reason, we often have the same position as Canada at the World Trade Organization. We also have common relations in free trade--for instance, in the United Nations, the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C., and in many other aspects.
In Haiti we are working together. But we also want to work together to regulate the global market, especially for countries such as Chile and Canada. Canada has 32 million people. We think that in future, the private entrepreneur has to continue to play an important role, but the state policies, the foreign countries of both countries, Canada and Chile, should help the entrepreneur, and also work together with other countries to regulate the global market at this time.