There are a number of factors. We've considered approximately 13.
In overall terms, the barriers imposed here in Canada are, above all, what prevents us from becoming competitive. There are interprovincial barriers, but also international barriers, that is between us and other countries. That explains why there is less competition here in the country. The low level of competition here means that we tend less to want to innovate or try to do things differently.
I spoke with a group of entrepreneurs in Sherbrooke. Among other things, those people told me about growing pressures from China. For a number of years, they sold the same product solely to the Americans, using the same technology. It became a habit. This kind of strategy can no longer really meet our needs as a country.
These entrepreneurs are suddenly feeling pressure from China and are wondering what to do. In that sense, you have to have a strategy for investing in new technology, in innovation. For the government, the idea is also to help entrepreneurs seize new business opportunities in these markets.
Our innovation group has conducted an analysis with this in view. From what we've found, the government has a lot of Web sites that entrepreneurs can consult to identify potential markets. However, the interface between the individuals in the foreign market and these entrepreneurs is quite poor. We would do well to improve these relations in order to help entrepreneurs, especially small Canadian businesses, seize these new markets.