If you go back to the agri-food sector, 80% of our farm income is dependent on exports. It doesn't mean that all sectors, all the farms and food producers, are export-oriented, but there's a large proportion that are.
If you're looking at it in terms of market access, the biggest challenges we're facing are more at the higher end, with the more processed types of foods, the higher-quality types of foods, where you have tariffs as high as 300%. Where you have practices that prevent selling these processed foods, they're willing to buy your raw commodities. We're missing out on opportunities for producing these higher-end products that generate more income and higher wages, etc.
This is why we believe that trade globalization is key in the agri-food sector. It doesn't mean that everyone is going to win. Not all farmers are going to win with that strategy; there will be some losers, definitely. But on average you're going to have a lot more winners than losers, and it's going to be a net gain for Canada. That's why we believe in that strategy.
If you're looking at when Doha stalled--and we can talk about our supply-managed farm sectors, such as eggs, poultry, and dairy--there was an element that there could be some protection for sensitive sectors. That means for supply-managed sectors they would have had less protection than they currently have, but at least they would still have had some degree of protection.
It's through these negotiations that you can achieve the best deal, but with something in mind: that the greater trade liberalization we can have for that sector, the better off Canada will be.