Perhaps I'll start, and Gilles can talk in particular about agriculture, because I know you want to.
I think you just touched upon the single hardest question in discussions on globalization, which is how to share the benefits, how to share the proceeds, and how to deal with people who are left behind. It is very interesting.
The Economist magazine, in the most recent edition, has a whole section dealing with winners and losers in globalization, and the challenge of finding public policies that help people get lifted back up, retrained, and supported as they adjust. There is also the fact that in every country touched by globalization--there are only two or three that aren't, and we wouldn't want to live in any of those two or three, like Burma or North Korea--a share of the population is always left behind, and there is the question of coming up with fair and socially just programs to carry those people along, knowing that someone who does not have the basic literacy skills to function in a modern industrial economy probably can't be retrained at 55 to go back to work. As well, there is the fact, the reality, that people who lose well-paying jobs in manufacturing often end up in services, and the real wage goes way down. They're frankly not taking home as much. They're losers. That is the single hardest question.
I think we know as economists that on a net basis, grosso modo, globalization is creating wealth for the world economy and there are more people with higher incomes than there were 25 years ago. That's very clear, but it's equally clear that it's not a perfect equation by any means, and the design of social programs really does matter. Can we re-educate young people so they can develop skills and advance themselves? At what point do you simply put someone on social assistance because they're not capable of adapting to fit the modern economy?
But if I have to choose between greater market openness and greater protection, I know which way I'm going: it's towards greater market openness, because I can see the net gain for the collective, for society.
Do you want to talk particularly about agriculture?