To a great degree within Europe itself, we already have been squeezed out. We have a few charts in the report showing how little growth in exports we've had to Europe over the last 10 to 20 years, and how our businesses had to resort to becoming European companies. So there clearly is a very subtle fortress-Europe barrier that goes around Europe, a lot of it non-tariff.
Companies that want to do business in Europe have to become European; they have to invest in Europe to get inside that wall. The evidence of that is that sales from our affiliates in Europe are a multiple of our exports to Europe. In a country like the U.K., I think it's three and a half times. For Canadian companies established through investment operating in Britain, their sales are triple what our exports are to Britain.
How do we overcome it? Well, we've tried. We've tried very hard to get European attention. We have something called the TIA in place, where there's a dialogue between Canadian and European business, but it's going nowhere fast. So I guess, increasingly--and this is not in the report--we have to really think hard about whether we can use the North American integration as a platform.
Getting squeezed out.... I would argue it's already happened. We've seen the deflection of investment away from North America. The Canadian share of external investment--Gilles, you actually did this research three years ago--coming into North America has fallen progressively over 15 to 20 years. So the crowding out has already occurred. It's more a question of whether we can do anything to try to crowd ourselves back in.