Good morning, Mr. Hodgson and Mr. Rhéaume.
First, I wonder whether you're really talking about an integrating type of trade, Mr. Hodgson. I wonder whether it's not a type of trade that excludes certain classes of individuals, whom you've enumerated. It's said that globalization and international trade are helping us withdraw from certain sectors, such as the manufacturing sector, which often enables less educated people to hold jobs.
You also mentioned agriculture and supply management. I have a lot of questions on that subject. I recently attended a seminar by the Union des producteurs agricoles, where I met farmers. You're not unaware that they're going through major difficulties. Agriculture is very much threatened, both in the hog industry — you no doubt heard that on the news recently — and wheat and exports, with regard to U.S. subsidies. People are experiencing major difficulties. I'd also say, with regard to the supply management system, that producers aren't making fortunes either.
At the same time, I was in the United States not long ago and I met with farmers there. They're renegotiating their Farm Bill, the U.S. agricultural legislation. To my great surprise, they told me they were also experiencing financial difficulties, despite the fact that the industry is highly subsidized.
So I believe that agriculture shouldn't be subject to bargaining as is the case in the manufacturing sector, the steel sector and other industrial sectors. I believe that agriculture should be a sovereign field. We should move more toward food sovereignty because food, as you know, is what enables us to live. So I think that detaching ourselves from our agricultural sector represents a major danger.
Coming back to globalization, trade and rural land use, I come from a rural area. What supports our area is agriculture, the manufacturing sector; these are soft sectors. We're thinking about the areas located in the Lower St. Lawrence, the Gaspé and not even that far. I'm from an area located between Trois-Rivières and Montreal. All businesses not established in large cities seem to be having enormous difficulties because the knowledge industry is developing in the large cities. So I'd like to hear what you have to say on that subject.
You also mentioned that there were winners and losers in globalization. We should be able to help the losers, but I believe the current trend is to abandon them. I note, for example, the cuts made to employment insurance, a health system increasingly oriented toward the private sector, the fact that education is leaning toward the private sector as well. So this is a form of exclusion. That's the current trend. We're even withdrawing from our students. There have been cuts to student programs and so on.
I'd like to have your opinion on that subject.