That's an interesting question. First of all, I would like to emphasize that we have very good relations with the European Union, and as I mentioned, we look at them as being among our closest friends. We have three out of four nations that are members of the EEA, European Economic Area, which means that we are part of the internal market in all other areas except agriculture. But it's a political question whether these countries should join or not, and I could go through those things in detail because of course, like most politicians in these countries, I have an opinion.
Of course we differ in each country, but at least the view in those countries has been that it is not in the interest of the country to join in this political union because it's more than a free trade union. The European Union is also a political one at the moment, and I cannot foresee, at least in the near future, the members of EFTA wanting to join. But of course one never knows.