Thank you.
On the first question, I'll make it very short and say it's two things: one, fair distribution; two, a strong public sector.
To the second question, about agriculture, I will say there are two things we do in Norway. We have very high customs rates for imports; we try to have very few imports. Then we have very extensive subsidizing of our own farmers. That's how we protect farming and agriculture.
In Norway, agriculture is not a big part of the economy, but it's an important part of our way of life. We are a big country by European standards, with few people, but we live everywhere over this area. Farming is an important part of that.
On your last question, about the oil fund, as we call it, we decided some years ago--and it was almost unanimous in Parliament, except for one party, which is one of the biggest parties for the time being--that we should put all our income from oil into a fund and that we should use only about 4% of it each year, so that we could have that fund for the generations to come, and so on. In the last four or five years we have used a little more than 4%. This year we are down 4%. Thanks to the rising oil prices over the last two years, I think that in the next years we won't use that much; we should save even more, because the economy is booming and the unemployment rate is very low.
It appears that we have succeeded in saving most of this money for the generations to come and have not let it destroy our industry, because that's the main danger: we use so much of it that our exporting industries are out of competition.