The trade commissioners stationed in the consulates and embassies throughout Latin America have been doing a very good job and continue to do a good job, but there is always the constraint of the resources that they have available. I think that's one of the facilitations that should continue to work.
I believe that part of the knowledge base involves being able to disseminate the opportunities, and that requires a level of funding that should be there. Trade missions are important. The knowledge of the country is not restricted to the economic and business aspect, but also includes the cultural aspects. Outreach is important because it demystifies aspects for small and medium enterprises in Canada, so they can look at those markets and expand in those markets.
There's a general movement towards better understanding and knowledge and also towards helping identify opportunities. The SMEs usually don't have the resources to be able to do market research, and they remain very much tied to only the easier trade south of the border. The opportunities that arise in other markets sometimes are not fully understood, or people are sometimes mystified as to the problems that could be there.