It's also very important, the fact that the Cuban immigration that went into the U.S. was an immigration of cultured and rich people, and they have had tremendous success in the U.S. It's not an immigrant group that has stayed at low levels; it has moved up academically and in the business world. There are significant amounts of money sitting in Miami, waiting for the opportunity to invest in Cuba.
The moment that Cuba opens up, there is going to be a flourishing in the economy, because there is a sentimental reinvestment that is going to take place in Cuba. There are a lot of companies. There is still a building in Havana that has “Bank of Nova Scotia” engraved on it. There are a lot of companies that are looking at Cuba as being the start in the Caribbean, and hopefully it will come back to being that if the conditions are given for foreign investment. There are large amounts of money to go into Cuba from second- or third-generation Cuban émigrés.