Ideally, I'd like to see the free trade area of the Americas, for example. If we can somehow cement that deal in the foreseeable future, that would make us the largest trading bloc in the world, next to the European Union. That's the ideal thing, but there are many issues below that. Venezuela seems to have strong connections with China. There seems to be substantial investment by Chinese companies in Venezuela. Peru and Colombia have signed deals with the United States.
Where does Canada fit in all of this? That's my question. How do we strategically place ourselves to play a meaningful role in promoting trade? That's the purpose of this discussion. We want to identify other emerging markets, aside from China and India. Brazil you alluded to, which we all know, but there are other markets that we want to pursue. How do we fit with the Chinas of the world, and with the United States, and how do we play a meaningful role? Which bilateral trades should we pursue, if you had to prioritize them?
We have the Caribbean community's fifty members that we're dealing with. There's Central America that we're dealing with. We have the Indian community that we're dealing with. How do we prioritize, and where do we fall within the Chinas and the United States of the world?