Thank you, Chair.
Congratulations again, Mr. Siegel, on your appointment.
I understand that, as you mentioned, SMEs represent about 90% of what you guys do in terms of business. I'm an SME owner myself, so I understand the issues in terms of capital. Thank goodness I'm not trying to export anything. I can only imagine the additional challenges that come with trying to see capital...certainly looking at developing markets.
I have two questions for you. You talked a bit about what you guys are looking at doing in terms of...financing does generate a lot of the money that you engage in what you're doing. Could you just give me your thoughts in terms of your vision for the future?
You've now been an EVP for 10 years and have been with the company for 25-plus years. You talked about markets and transactions being more complicated, etc. You're going to continue, I would assume, to look at e-business and all these other kinds of things. What type of vision do you have for EDC over the next five to ten years in terms of where you are? Do you see the availability of capital for SMEs, as your largest stakeholders, as something you'll continue to try to expand? I think that would probably make sense. That's probably what you're trying to do, but how does that fit in with what your vision is going to be in relation to SMEs as well?