Again, this follows on the question of how we increase the reach of EDC from what we have been able to achieve at this point. I go back to the fact that small and medium-sized enterprises are a very important part--in fact, they're in excess of 90%--of EDC's customer base. As we set our sights on increasing the size of that customer base, we're obviously looking at ways we can increase the reach and knowledge of those players.
I mentioned a number of things we were doing. Indeed, Quebec is a very important and very large part of our customer base, so we're constantly looking at how we can increase that.
In addition to some of the things I've already mentioned, I would add that we have recently brought together a national industry stakeholder panel. In this, we have 18 industry associations from across the country. Some of them are more regional by nature and some of them are cross-regional by sector. They have formed, with EDC, an industry stakeholder panel. The purpose of that is for us to be able to identify ways that, in working through those industry associations, we can actually get more effectively down to their membership, to reach players who are actually quite small or who are in many cases quite regionally based or clustered around a specific industry. We really look at the industry associations as being the first and a highly credible source of information as to where those players can get services with respect to trading activity.
EDC is also working very closely with the government in terms of investing and bringing together the government online services. Someone who is looking for information and support in terms of their trade activity can then more easily, in a one-stop type of approach, come into the government online and actually get access to all of the services, as opposed to having to go independently through a number of different channels.
You will see that EDC is a partner in the development of the virtual trade commissioner service that is operated by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Right now, we are also a strong proponent of bringing together the government online service as a whole in a one-stop shopping arrangement.