I think Canada is somewhat dependent on the United States because of its huge exports to this country. So the United States have a major political influence in Canada. This may explain why we do not have more bilateral agreements with other countries.
Last week, we met with representatives of the European Free Trade Association. In the present context of economic globalization, small countries like Iceland, Norway or Switzerland – also Quebec, if it were a sovereign country – can easily be part of this market. Why isn’t Canada signing more bilateral agreements? I think it would be one way to diversify our export markets which are too heavily concentrated in the United States and to provide more security to our industries. We are now used to export to the United States. It is easier in many respects.
In terms of the knowledge economy, I would like to know if you have any comments on intellectual property. Ideas, manufacturing and design are one thing, but intellectual property is not necessarily protected. China easily copies our products. We find it difficult to protect our manufacturing processes and our designs.