Thanks, Mr. Poloz. I enjoyed reviewing what you had submitted to us as well.
I have a couple of questions, actually, on the models that you're presenting, particularly the one that you have of a company looking outward and integrating its imports to help it build a product that it may eventually export.
One of the questions I have is this. From your point of view, which technology market sectors in Canada seem to be transforming themselves, or basically taking advantage of this business model you're proposing?
Secondly, what is the ratio--you might not be able to quantify it, but you might be able to comment on it--between companies that are transforming themselves to take advantage of this model and new startups that are immediately starting into this new model. I think of something like textiles. They have a very hard time transforming into the model. It's a whole sector of the economy that's affected. But there are new businesses, in fact, that spring up and they just immediately take advantage of what you're talking about.
Would you comment on those two questions, please?