Thank you.
Perhaps rather than characterizing it as a weakness, it's a potential for opportunity. I would say the top of the line for me is ports. I know we have good capacity in Halifax and Montreal. We have a tighter situation on the west coast, and for sure on the U.S. west coast. It seems to me that with the extreme tightness in the U.S. west coast, we do have a significant opportunity there that dollars spent in the Pacific gateway could have immediate payback.
I also saw a presentation last week from someone from Halifax that showed us that when we're looking at India as a market space, the distance from India to, say, Chicago is substantially reduced if one goes through Halifax and connects into the nodes that way than if one goes in the opposite direction. One saves several days worth of time and money. So we do have the solutions to offer to the world. This is another place where branding could be very helpful, because those ships can go almost anywhere they wish. We have some capacity, and I think on the west coast an opportunity, to truly develop it.
It's not just a port, though, because you have to be able to take the containers and move them to Chicago or Los Angeles or wherever that destination is in the United States. So you need the rail and the bridges or the other conduits. It's a package deal.