I call the meeting to order.
Good morning, everyone. We're here today to examine an appointment under Standing Orders 110, 111, and 32(6): “...during a period of thirty sitting days provided pursuant to Standing Order 110”, the committee “shall, if it deems it appropriate, call the so named appointee or nominee to appear before it during a period not exceeding ten sitting days.” That's what we are doing here today.
It goes on to say in Standing Order 111(2) that: “The committee, if it should call an appointee or nominee to appear pursuant to section (1) of this Standing Order, shall examine the qualifications and competence of the appointee or nominee to perform the duties of the post to which he or she has been appointed or nominated.”
So that's what we're here for today. And we have with us today, as you all know from the agenda sheet, Eric Siegel, who is president and chief executive officer of the Export Development Canada under the international trade responsibility, which is the responsibility of this committee.
We'll go to the questioning.
Mr. Siegel, if you would like to make a short opening statement, I'm sure you've been advised you're welcome to do that. If not, we'll go directly to questions. It's entirely up to you.