There's some additional information in the PowerPoint presentation about how we've slipped, in relative terms, in being able to attract foreign direct investment. Basically, since 1997, we've actually been investing more abroad than foreigners have been investing in Canada. Even on that basis, our share of Canadian direct investment abroad, as a share of total global foreign direct investment, has been declining.
So we're a small player, and a declining player, in terms of this whole global investment climate. And that is something that will affect our trade performance moving forward, because, as Glen mentioned, of the interrelationship between investment and trade. So as we're focusing on international trade, and as you're looking at international trade policy, you really have to integrate that with an investment policy by making sure we have a strong investment climate here in Canada that can attract those types of investments and by promoting investment abroad.
We've done some analysis of what the factors are that are impeding foreign direct investment in Canada, and we can go into that detail during the question period.