Well, I can point explicitly to the recommendation. It's on page 97 of volume 1, recommendation number 13:
The federal government facilitate outward Canadian FDI where there are material benefits to Canada through actions that reduce the risk of investing outside Canada, like Foreign Investment Protection Agreements—
I would put what are called FIPAs near the top of the list—and this goes back to Mr. Lemieux's question—as you're looking to deepen your economic relationship with other markets, like China and India, because that gives investors comfort going there. It says, “and by strengthening facilitation of outward FDI through agencies like EDC”, and by that I mean EDC has the legal authority. The Export Development Act has allowed EDC to do outward investment itself, as a partner, let's say, since about 1993, I believe, but it was controlled by a regulation that I unfortunately put in place when I was an official at the Department of Finance.
I think it's time for the government to realize that you've got to empower the institutions you have. A lot of this is not about changing law; it's about changing attitude, and about the boards of directors not being shy about supporting outbound investment as part of the suite of products that EDC or CCC or anybody should have.