I'll be brief. I think that by and large the public is skeptical. I'm not referring to businessmen, but to workers, the middle-class and low-income earners. Why is the public skeptical about globalization? It's because of job losses. All throughout Quebec and Canada, you see food banks, breakfasts being served. Poverty is on the rise, and people are being left out in the cold. There's no social policy to deal with these job losses. That's the problem. The general public, our middle class and everyday workers are skeptical. Cutbacks have been made to literacy programs, social programs and social welfare. The people are being left by the wayside. So the public is very skeptical.
I don't think that we have any choice: We have to make sure the public is in a position to put its faith in this move towards globalization. In order to instill this confidence, the public needs to be made to fell safe and social support must be given to people who lose their job. Currently, that's not done. I'd like to hear what you have to say about that.
Furthermore, you said that we are lagging behind and that we haven't done this analysis. Who hasn't? Are you talking about the public service? Who hasn't done what needs to be done?