Thank you. I wanted to clarify that and move on to the issue of our trade strategy.
You say very specifically to put supply management—I imagine you mean the Canadian Wheat Board as well--on the table so we can be in the inner circle within the WTO. Increasingly, the problem within the WTO is that there is a progressive agenda from countries that actively believe in things like social, environmental, and labour standards, and there is this leadership that has been pushing for the traditional approach to free trade, which, as I mentioned earlier, hasn't worked in Canada. As well, in other industrialized countries like the United States, most people have demonstrably seen their wages pushed down.
Would it not be a better strategy for Canada to defend ardently what our interests are—like supply management for rural communities, like the Canadian Wheat Board—and play leadership within the WTO within the increasing number of countries that are putting into question this whole idea that somehow we all have to just follow the American model of trade to actually develop our societies?