It's very important to understand that our specific mandate is to support Canadian exports and Canadian investments. When we at the EDC review a proposal in which we are asked to take part, we do so on the basis of a specific transaction, such as the issue of greenhouse gases or the Kyoto Protocol.
What interests us are environmental standards. Does the project for which support is being sought comply with environmental standards established in the international agreements? Then we use an analytical framework, and, if the project doesn't meet our project's support standards, it's difficult, even impossible, for us to support it. That's done in the context of a specific transaction.
Furthermore, we also have a framework concerning what we call corporate social responsibility. We also conduct an evaluation to determine whether the transaction with which we are associating meets what we call social responsibilities. For example, we check to see whether there is any child exploitation. Following our evaluation, if the transaction meets our code of ethics and our code of corporate social responsibility, we may be in a position to support the transaction. That's done in the context of a specific transaction. It isn't a general engagement strategy.