Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, guests, for answering our questions and providing a little insight. Da svidAn’ya.
I had an opportunity about 10 years ago to spend some time in Russia, and the people are wonderful. The infrastructure has a long way to go, and they've come a long way in the last few decades.
There are still great opportunities, as was alluded to by some previous speakers. Specifically in the avionics business, coming from Kelowna, I know that Kelowna Flightcraft has been doing work with helicopters in Russia and some of the other avionic specialties.
I look at where we're branching out, such as in environmentalism. Mr. André mentioned that there were definitely some areas of improvement there, and working with our European partners, Canada has been very fortunate. Over the years, a lot of Europeans have come to Canada and helped by bringing their trades and skills. We continue to look forward to using those immigrant skills to help with our labour shortage.
But also working within your own neighbouring countries, from your perspective, there have been some real issues about natural gas...and the energy superpower they have. Recently there have been some discussions about cutting off the supply of natural gas with other countries. Is that an actual supply issue, or is it more political?