That brings something to mind. Pardon me if I laugh about it. Someone once said that, in a large organization, greenhouse gases were the result of a socialist organization that wanted to scare people. Ultimately, that could be it, because, if we had more, that might melt the ice and permit transportation between the two countries. However, let's disregard that comment.
Earlier you said that, with regard to the WTO, that would probably make it so that certain rights would disappear. That would be measures that Russia would of course have to apply.
We know that protectionism is virtually natural for all countries. It's a virtually natural reflex. If you could measure Russia's protectionism, how would you compare it to that of the United States, if you give the United States a score of 100? On that scale, would it be 50%, 150%? I'm asking the question in order to see where the agreements or transactions with Russia can head at some point.