I can see the environment being a major issue now. We can do a lot of services there. The governments there are becoming more mature, more environmentally alert. So there is more business for the environment, for example, where we can service them. We have companies in the environment business and agriculture. In countries like the GCC, where the desert covers most of the country, we can maybe help them provide some different agricultural products, help them with our technologies, and stuff like this. We're really not that active in the gulf. Yes, we are in the oil and gas sector. Yes, we're in some kinds of services, but not that heavily in service, such as in hospitals, in education,
On the second question you asked, I think Dwain gave an example a minute ago of educating people from Yemen. Those people eventually will become leaders in those countries, so they will remember Canada and they will give jobs to Canada. If we want to invest, invest in the future, don't invest in the past. Let's invest in the future. That's a perfect example of where we can invest in people for the future, giving them education. If there were a number who lived in Canada for a few years, they'll go back and indirectly they will cherish Canada, they will favour Canada, they will give contracts to Canada. I've experienced that with a couple of companies in the Middle East.
So we can do stuff like this, for example, and gain business from the environment to all kinds of...they're going through privatization and restructuring. They need to know how to do this. The social impact on people when they do this kind of thing, privatization and restructuring, they're not used to it. Everything is provided by the government.
Now they're going more to private business, so that's where we have experience that can help them. We can do the management, as we're doing now for GCCIA, trying to help them with the interconnections they're doing. They don't have this experience, what the impact is if they're going to restructure into private organizations, what's going to happen; restructuring of the industry itself, what's going to happen, how many losses they will have. There is no unemployment insurance there.
For example, I lived in Egypt for many years. Electric companies in Egypt have 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 employees. They need less than that, but they have them. It's the indirect social benefits or unemployment insurance. Give them a job, give them £150 or £200 to live on, instead of being on the street. If you promote this kind of business, to become self-sustained economies, they will get away from terrorism, from fanaticism; they will start looking at money, at business, and getting better.
So education is one thing I think we can invest in. Restructuring, privatization, proper guidance of things, government relations, whatever, but first you have to build this trust with them, which we don't have, and we have to behave as a G-8 country, honestly. We really have to behave as a G-8 country. We're the only G-8 country with a surplus. We don't behave like that. Spain is surpassing us. Other countries are surpassing us. We're left behind. We need to move as a G-8 country. We need to prove ourselves as a G-8 country, not only in name. We have a surplus, as Dwain said. Let's invest this extra surplus to generate money for Canada, to generate income for Canada, to generate employment for Canada.
We should be investing in those areas, and not in places where money is no object.