My view is that they go together. Encourage another fifty Canadian companies to invest in this region of the world and they can create another 15,000, 20,000, or name however many thousands of jobs. You're getting a return on this investment because Canadian companies are making money, and you can take a portion of that money, as a Canadian government, and invest it directly into infrastructure, whether it's airports, port authorities, or whatever. There's a synergy between the investment that's being made on the private side, a return on that investment to the coffers of Ottawa or the province, and it's going back and giving back to the country.
What doesn't make a lot of sense is that we say to an almost failed state in the Middle East or Africa that they are $500 million in debt and we're going to forgive it. So what? At the end of the day, if you don't build the economy, you don't create jobs, and you don't build a future that's controlled by the local people, you haven't accomplished very much, because in ten years the debt will be back again and you'll be called on to deal with it.