I think it is one of the best places in the world for the government to get the best return on its investment and that is because of the huge surpluses that the Middle East countries have. They are undertaking large scale, subsidized projects and creating jobs in the process. We see it as a consumer society and not a competitive one. It isn't like China where you create a competitor after having invested there. In the Middle East, there will always be investment and consumption; there will always be jobs for Canada. Money will flow into Canada.
What's more, the population is exploding in these countries, which have the highest birth rate in the world, if you don't count the expatriates living there. Investments will be made in their infrastructure to meet the needs that I have spoken of, and the investments mean business opportunities for us. It is up to us to make the most of that and invest in those countries.
It is one of the areas where the GDP will increase by 5% this year, compared to other parts of the world. I understand what you are saying, but I think it is a region where investment is warranted. We have to plan for the next five years. We have to know what Canada's return will be. We have invested in China, in India and in Brazil and we have created competition there. We are not creating competitors when we invest in the Middle East. The GCC countries are a consumer society, they do not compete.