It's very tough to do that when the world is becoming one entity. Really, there are almost no more borders anywhere.
If you look at it from the point of view of what the trade is, it's basically what's behind this trade that we do. We do services. SNC–Lavalin is over there to create wealth for our employees, who come and spend money here and create jobs here indirectly.
When we go there and do a project of a billion dollars, we also buy indirectly from Canada. In buying from Canada, we promote Canadian products. Manufacturing there does not appear as part of trade, although it's being manufactured here to achieve part of the whole deal.
It's very hard to streamline or to put a figure on. I don't know how to do those things. I don't know what to say more than that, really, but there are indirect advantages that are really tremendous and that we cannot measure directly.
The honourable member before asked the same question, about what kind of trade we have. I don't know how to answer that.