I'll give you a general answer.
First of all, we consult fairly widely--as widely as we can--with users, whether they're in business or they are our colleagues in the policy departments. We have a series of advisory committees. We try to go out to speak to businessmen and businesswomen and organizations as much as we can.
It's a continual trade-off with a limited budget...what are the best data and so on and also what are the least burdensome to collect. Certainly we have a whole series of organizations that advise us. We have an advisory committee on international trade. We meet with them twice a year to talk about where those trade-offs might be and how we can try to do those.
We certainly conduct discussions with our policy analysts. We try to keep ahead of the direction they might be thinking of going or where they might have data needs that we're not meeting now. We can't always meet them all. Unfortunately, there are challenges on that, but we certainly try to become aware.
We try to keep in touch with business organizations to the extent that we can as well, to get their points of view on what data is necessary and important for them.