It depends. In terms of merchandise trade, we have a cost-recovery program, but we also try to make a vast amount of data available for free.
For instance, all of what we call the HS6, which is the harmonized commodity code data, is available for free on the Industry Canada's Strategis website. We provide that.
Also, all of our publications are free.
When we get to specialized services, things that go beyond what we would normally do or what's available for free, we charge--for example, if people call up and want a tabulation done a particular way to suit their needs, rather than going to the website and getting what's available, or if they want to go down to a very detailed level. For instance, if they come to us and say they want to know about a ten-digit import by mode of transport for particular ports, we would certainly charge them to get at that data, because we would have to have somebody sit down and physically do that special tabulation for them.
If they were going at imports for that six-digit, higher-level family for a province of clearance, they could get it for free.