I believe the challenge is to see how to benefit and make gains as a result of globalization. Globalization is a reality, and there is nothing we can say or do to stop the tide from rising and bringing change along with it. We can't simply say we don't want globalization.
So, how can we make the most of changes occurring in the global economy? To achieve that, our policy is to establish a strong base in North America to benefit to the greatest extent possible from international value chains—in other words, parts production in one country, value added in another country, and final manufacturing in a third country.
What is our niche? And what is North America's niche? Well, I believe that in terms of the world as a whole, North America is not the only engine at this time. As a result, I think that what we have to do is work closely with our North American partners to present a strong economy to the rest of the world.