That's what the evidence suggests. We are a rich country. We've gotten significantly richer in the last 10 to 15 years. Yet our polling research and analysis show that almost half of Canadians have a sense of insecurity, and they believe they're only a paycheque or two away from poverty.
A large majority of families are running harder to stay in the same place. It's only among the top 10% or even narrower—the top 5 or 1%, especially—where there have been spectacular gains. So there is this sense of insecurity and running harder to stay in the same place.
So I reiterate the question that I posed at the beginning: prosperity for whom? I don't see anything in what's moving forward assuring me that measures are going to be taken, even from an integration standpoint, that will enhance the living standards and better the lives of the vast majority.
I suggested some measures that I think would have a positive effect, but I don't see them on the table for the SPP right now.