Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Could I have just a brief response?
Mr. Campbell did mention mutual recognition agreements, and I agree with him that this is what we would need to see, but you can't have it without dialogue, Mr. Chairman. If we're not having dialogue, it won't happen. We are having dialogue and we may find solutions. I think Mr. Julian was one of the ones who accused us of fear-mongering on the government side this week, but he's the king of fear-mongering. Maybe he sleeps with the covers over his head; I'm not sure.
But without the dialogue, it would not happen. That's what I have to say.
My question is to the other people here today.
I am the chair of the steel caucus, and I am joined by Mr. Maloney, who is also on the steel caucus from the Liberal side. Part of the work that's been happening.... There is a North American steel trade cooperative. Just for the understanding of everybody around the table, for example, galvanized steel that's produced in Canada is treated as North American steel. It does not attract any duties, and it is not treated as offshore steel as it is sold in the United States. From the steel perspective, our biggest market is the United States. Unfortunately, Chinese imports are actually starting to surpass us for the first time in the United States, so it's putting pressure on our steel market--but as an example, steel is treated as a North American commodity. Jobs are produced in this country because they're able to sell the product south of the border and have it treated as a Canadian product.
I would like either the chamber or the CEO group to tell me if this is the kind of thing you would like to see for other product lines, in terms of our being able to work with our partners on a North American basis to make sure we are competitive against other areas of the world that are producing similar products.
I'd like both to answer that question.