Good morning, everyone.
We're here today pursuant to Standing Order 108(2). The House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade is undertaking a study examining the opportunities and challenges Canadian businesses face with respect to the Canada-U.S. relationship.
The committee is specifically interested in identifying and removing the obstacles that stand in the way of stronger economic ties with the U.S. and answering the question of what the Government of Canada can do to help Canadian businesses take better advantage of trade, investment, and business opportunities.
Before I introduce the witnesses for today, I have a couple of other items of business that I want to quickly mention. The first is the issue of travel. Somehow the dates given by the clerk and the dates the committee and I had talked about throughout the discussion are different. I had talked about the Thursday of the first week in June as the starting point, which makes it June 7, and that was certainly the date the committee discussed. So just for the record, the travel will be from roughly June 7 to June 19.
There may be a motion coming up toward the end of the meeting, and we'll deal with it at the time. It's certainly up to the member. I'll ensure that there's been proper notice given of that.
Mr. Julian, do you have a question or a comment on the travel issue?