Thank you very much, Mr. Julian, and thank you for the opportunity to respond to my friend here.
I was actually thinking, when you spoke, that this was an initiative undertaken by the Liberals before you. Had they been in power now, you probably would have been sitting here with me, criticizing it.
However, I think it's important for us to say that Canada will never be impervious to the United States and to our border concerns post-9/11 unless we make our border so benign that it's like crossing from Vermont to New Hampshire. As long as we maintain the sovereign right to make our own policy decisions in any way, the United States will continue to make that border crossing difficult. Nobody here likes that. Nobody here wants that. But that's the reality we're dealing with.
I also want to say that this is not about building; if this is about building a new North American reality, why have only big businesses, or even some medium-sized businesses, been involved? Why has there been no negotiation or discussion with other groups?
Many people in this country are working with Americans—we work very closely with many Americans—on an alternative vision for the environment, for instance. Many Americans would like to have a national health care program. Many Americans are concerned about the assault on human rights and civil liberties in the United States under the Bush administration. Many Americans don't like what their government is doing in Iraq, and many of us are very concerned about what our government is doing in Afghanistan as well. We have common cause and would like to have these negotiations opened up. We want the current SPP stopped so that we can start to have a different kind of dialogue.
When we met with the U.S. embassy, they said that when Condoleezza Rice was in town, the politicians did meet for some time by themselves. The members of the North American Competitiveness Council met down the hall, and they didn't meet together until a little later. He was using this as proof that somehow the big business community does not have special privilege.
Well, where were we? Where were the people who care about education or health care or human rights or foreign policy or the environment? They have not been part of this process.
I think that concern, that this gets out, is exactly what was expressed to us by the U.S. embassy: if Canadians knew what was in this agreement, if they had a chance to debate it, really look at it and vote on it, they would say no to it. I deeply believe that.
I want to say quickly that I have notes here from Ralph Pentland. If you are going to extend these hearings, Ralph Pentland wants to come before you. He was the director of water planning and management, a branch at Environment Canada, for 13 years. He wrote the policy that was hopefully going to be adopted by the Mulroney government but wasn't adopted. He has co-chaired several International Joint Commission boards. He's very knowledgeable on water.
So Mr. Pentland, who is non-partisan, has asked me to share with you that he is deeply concerned about this process. He feels very strongly that he has watched this happen before, with the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and with NAFTA, where committees like this met, we were assured that water wouldn't become part of NAFTA, and then it was.
More recently, negotiations took place on the annex to the 1909 shared boundary water treaty between Canada and the United States, where there were negotiations that were never going to open up diversions to the Great Lakes. We were assured this happened. Governments took their hands off it and let these negotiations take place at other levels, and we have a new annex that allows new diversions, for communities and corporations, off the Great Lakes Basin. Many of us are deeply concerned that there are going to be water takings from the U.S. side.
So here we have another process that's now taking place outside of Parliament, potentially around water exports from Canada's north. We feel very strongly that we have to have a debate. We may not be right, but let's have a debate. Let's have more than just....
Tom d'Aquino, who originally not only came up with this concept but actually had a hand.... The title for their recommendations was “North American Security and Prosperity Initiative”. Except for the word “initiative”, which was changed to “partnership”, it was the same title when three governments signed.
This is their blueprint. They went down to the White House right after 9/11 happened and were asked, “What have you got to offer if you want to keep that border open?”
This is a dialogue for all Canadians. This is not a partisan issue. This should be an issue of true and deep debate in this country.
We have members from all parties, by the way, in our organization.