Thank you for both those questions.
We are very concerned about the social consequences of a merger the size of the SPP coming out of NAFTA.
We've watched our country change from looking like a large egg, with a great big middle class, to looking more like a pear, with more and more Canadians falling out at the bottom and fewer holding power at the top. And now, the further we merge, the more we look like the United States. We're not as extreme in the difference between rich and poor, but it's getting there.
In recent research, I discovered that the greatest difference between rich and poor in the world now is in the United States. It's not in Mexico. It's not in Latin America. It's not in China. It's not in Africa. The top 10% control two-thirds of the wealth. So we would be merging more deeply with a superpower that has basically abandoned the bottom two-thirds of its population. We are very deeply concerned.
It's very interesting that you should raise the bovine growth hormone issue, because I had written a note about the “tested once” provision. Several of the Conservative MPs talked about the harmonization of our regulatory positions and standards. One of the provisions is this “tested once” provision, whereby if something has been given the go-ahead in the United States, we would not have the ability to have a separate regime here in Canada.
Bovine growth hormone is the perfect example. We were able to stop it. And you should know that it was a Conservative Senator, Senator Mira Spivak, who took it very seriously, held Senate committee hearings on it, and was very much responsible for helping us fight to keep bovine growth hormone, which has been linked to cancer in tests with rats and so on, out of Canada.
Our concern is that we will harmonize our policies on seeds, foods, chemicals, environment, energy, water, and so on with the needs and concerns of the superpower that's 10 times bigger than we are. It's not that they're bad people or anything; it is that they're bigger than we are, and the big tend to suck in the small when you have this kind of situation.
We need to maintain our sovereign rights on this side of the border. That does not mean we're anti-American. I can't stand it when I or anyone I know is called that, because I'm on the board of three American organizations. We have a different vision of what North America must look like and what we need to hold on to. We are not anti-trade. We hope we continue to have wonderful trade relationships with the United States. But strong fences make good neighbours, as well, and we need to protect ourselves on this side of the border.