When we talk about prosperity or social inequalities that have increased in recent years with liberalization, NAFTA, and now, NAFTA coupled with the SPP, it is important to consider their repercussions on women who, more often than not, are at the bottom of the wage scale with jobs that are increasingly unstable or atypical. You described how a large part of the population has become poor. However, it is important to point out that this population is composed primarily of women.
It is also important to emphasize the existence of discrimination based on ethno-cultural origin. Women who are members of visible minorities are at the bottom of the wage scale. After that come immigrant women and other women, men who are members of visible minorities, other immigrant men and all other men. It is important to consider social stratification and the current hierarchy within our society. Under the SPP, there will be a greater focus on liberalization and deregulation policies, with a view to ensuring greater alignment with the United States. I believe the situation will get worse.