Bringing witnesses back to testify a second time at the taxpayers' expense because the Conservatives refused their first testimony is quite bizarre, to say the least. What we have is a motion from Mr. Temelkovski to recognize the transcripts that we already have that indicate the testimony that has already been given, and to circulate that as part of the committee minutes. If the chair wants to put “unofficial” in brackets, that is something we will have to fight in the House of Commons. As far as Mr. Temelkovski's motion is concerned, it is in order. It is the logical thing to do.
We cannot censor witnesses we disagree with, however much some members around this table would like to do that. His testimony and the testimony of Common Frontiers is valuable and should be circulated as part of the committee minutes. If the chair wants to put “unofficial” in brackets, we will go to the Speaker of the House and seek clarification on that.
But there is no doubt that the meeting took place, that members from all four parties participated, including Mr. Cannan, who certainly wasn't embarrassed in asking questions of the witnesses. So I'd like to blow up this myth that somehow the meeting didn't happen. It did. To pretend anything else is censorship.